1925 ca Buckstone Book of Cocktails

199. Montserrat Cocktail. 3 Gin, i Grenadine, i Rose's Lime Juice, 2 dashes Absinthe. Shake and strain. Serve with cherry. 200. Moulin d'Or Cocktail. i Scotch Whisky, i orange juice, dash of Absinthe. Shake and strain. 201. Moulin Rouge Cocktail. i Apricot Brandy, J orange juice. 3 lemon juice, dash of Grenadine. Shake and strain. 202. Mountain Cocktail. i Canadian Club Whisky, i French Ver mouth, J Italian Vermouth, i lemon juice, white of 1 egg. Shake and strain. 203. Murmurer Cocktail. 4 Gin, 4 Sherr>'. dash of Angostura Bitters, 2 dashes of Rose's Lime Juice. Shake and strain. Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top. 204. Nana Cocktail. Glass of Brandy, white of 1 egg, teaspoon- ful of sugar. Shake and strain.


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