1925 ca Buckstone Book of Cocktails

233. Pooh Bah Cocktail. 4 Caloric Punch, 4 Bacardi Rum, 4 Gin, dash of Apricot Brandy. Shake and strain.

234. Poppy Cocktail. i Gin, 4 Creme de Cacao. Shake and strain.

235. Port Wine Cocktail. Glass of Port Wine, 2 dashes of Curasao, 1 dash of Angostura Bitters, 1 dash of Orange Bitters. Stir. 236. Prairie Oyster. 2 dashes of vinegar, 1 teaspoonful of Wor cester Sauce, 1 teaspoonful of tomato catsup, 1 dash of pepper on top, yolk of 1 egg. Do not break the egg. 237. President Cocktail. Glass of Bacardi Rum, juice of J orange, 2 dashes of Grenadine. Shake and strain. 238. Presto Cocktail. S Brandy, 4 Italian Vermouth, 4 orange juice, 1 dash of Absinthe. Shake and strain.


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