1925 ca Buckstone Book of Cocktails
So here's to the makers and the shakers, those gay designers of linings for either new or well-worn interiors—Let us be grateful to them for:— The Ills they Combat, All hail to them, these super magicians who manufacture generosity in the driest of Martinis and from the lips of a "White Lady" a never-to-be-forgotten kiss. Within the pages of this little book of quality "and quantro" will be discovered antidotes for the dullest of luncheons and the most funereal of dinner parties. Prescriptions for the Palace, and the humble dwelling alike. So make them up, and drink them up, happily, at home. Though if on journey bent to less domestic places, halt at the Sign of the Moulin d'Or, an Hostelry not far removed from a street called Church" in London's own Soho,and quaff a stirrup to its host—a charming lady whose heart is anything but "Stone." The pains they Allay, and The Stupidity they Conceal
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