1925 ca Buckstone Book of Cocktails

308. Toni's Special. 4 Apricot Brandy, 4 orange juice, 4 Rose's lime juice, 1 dash of Grenadine. Shake and strain. 309. Torpedo Cocktail. i Calvados, i Brandy, 1 dash of Gin. Shake and strain. 310. Trinity Cocktail. i Gin, i French Vermouth, J Italian Ver mouth. Shake and strain. 311. Tulip Cocktail. J Calvados, i Italian Vermouth, J lemon juice, 4 Apricot brandy. Shake and strain. 312. Twelve Mile Limit Cocktail. 5 Brandy, 4 Bacardi Rum, dash of lemon juic& Shake and strain. 313. Twelve Miles Out Cocktail. 4 Calvados,4 Bacardi Rum,4 Caloric Punch. Shake and strain. 314. Twin Six Cocktail. 4 Gin, 4 Italian Vermoutl^ the white of 1 egg, 4 dashes of orange juice, 1 dash of Grenadine.


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