1911 Beverages de luxe
of the grapes, as every bunch lias to be carefully examined, and unless it is found perfect in every respect, it is not used for the finer qualities. It lias been computed that the average expense of cultiva- tion is front 250 to 300 francs per hnndred (twenty-four dozen), it cannot, therefore, be wondered at that gennine Sauternes cannot be obtained as cheaply as some of the Ked Wines of France. In classifying Sauternes, it is undoubtedly a fact that the wines of the Château d'Yquem, Château La Tour Blanche, Châ- teau Vigneau, Château Kabaud, and Château Suduiraut take the foremost rank, and, next to thèse in the order given, corne the Haut Sauternes, Sauternes, Barsac and Graves. Ail Sauternes are sweet or sweetish in character, but the excess of sweetness disappears considerably with a few years of "bottle âge." As "table wines,'- Sauternes are eminently suitable. They are délicate in flavor and stimulate the appetite. In alcoholic strength they are far below Sherries, but they are, nevertheless, exhilarating and sustaining. They are especially suitable to be served with oysters and fish. In order to préserve their full aroma, Sauternes, and es- pecially the finer qualifies, should not be "iced;" a médium température will be sufficient to préserve ail their character- istics. As "dessert wines" they are simply perfect. A glass or two of high-class "vintage" Sau terne at the end of a meal will not only aid digestion, but will warm the whole System and diffuse a feeling of lightness and of comfort. From a médicinal stanclpoint, the white wines of France rank foremost. For dyspepsia they are invaluable. White wines contain less tannin, tartrates and iron than red wines, but more acetic ether. Whilst containing the same quantity of alcohol as the red wines, their action is more "heady" and more exhilarating. For obesity, especially, and affections of the liver, they are most emphatically efficacious. The sweeter Sauternes, Château La Tour Blanche, Yquem, Kabaud, Vigneau, etc., possessing a greater alcoholic strength, will be found most bénéficiai in cases of exhaustion, nervous prostration, hemorrhage, and in ail cases of mental .or bodily fatigue. As dessert wines they are not only delicious, but they greatly aid the digestion and impart a cheerful glow to the System. For further médical évidence regarding Sauternes, I quote Dr. Mauriac, of Bordeaux. He says in one of his works :
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