1911 Beverages de luxe

there were generally supposed to be sparkling. Gradually, hoAvever, other provinces and eountri.es began to produce spark- ling wines, and became known to everybody as Champagne, whether made in Bordeaux or Borgougne province, or America, Germany, Italy or Au stria. At the same time, the original bouses were growing in size rapidly and continu où sly, and their capacities grew until now some of the large houses of France have stocks of 13,000,000 bottles. Thirteen millions is easily said, but when one stops to realize what enormons space 1,000,000 bottles will require, and then multiply it by thirteen, same seenis almost an absurdity, especially when the élabora te process and long time it requires is taken into considération. We have also cellars in America with capacities of from 500,000 to 2,000,000, ail made on the same process, and with the same elaborate care. No ne but the choicest of grapes are used, and only from selected locations. When the vintage season arrives tliey are hauied to the winery, where they are pressed and the juice run off into large casks to ferment. So far the process lias been very single, but now the Champagne expert gets in his work and intelligence, blending the various juices, so as to make one cuvée, or homogeneous mass, iierfect in taste, color, acidity and bouquet. After the cuvée is made it is ready for bottling, where the second fermentation takes place. When fermented they are lowered into the cellars to cool off and ripen. The ripening period usually takes two and one-half to three years, after which time the now Champagne can be put on the market if necessary, but the first-class cellars rarely attempt to put their brands out before four or five years. When the wine is bottle ripe it is put on tables "surpointe ;" that is, the bottles are ail neck down. After it has reposed on the tables for twenty- four hours the "remeuer" proceeds with his daily opération of handling each bottle by giving it a rotary shake for two to six weekSj at the end of which time the wine is supposed to be crystal clear, the sédiment formed by fermentation having been worked down to the cork. The next opération is the disgorging or taking out the sédi- ment. This is done neatly, easily, and with little loss of wine or sparkle by experienced men, and the syrup is then added. Before adding an y syrup the wine is tart and is called "Brut," meaning raw. The ara omit of syrup added usually désignâtes the grade thereof, under the names Sweet, Médium, Extra Dry or Spécial Dry, etc. The bottle is then recorked with a new and expensive finishing cork, which is fastened down by means of a pronged wire, and the bottle is then ready for the packing room, where it is again piled up for a week or so to repose and assimilate. When needed for market, each bottle is examined with

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