1911 Beverages de luxe
pint bottle of wine before every plate at table, which could be served without charge, by adding a trifle to the cost of the meal. This would substitute tea and cofîee, and the wine, when prop- erly purchased in casks, and bottled on the premises, wonld cost no more than the tea and coffee. Fonrth — When patrons ask, as they frequently do, for a superior quality of wine in bottles, that should be served at a profit of not over fifty per cent, above the actnal cost, as many people will not order wine at meals because they are asked to pay more for a bottle of wine than for the whole meal. Restau- rant and hôtel keepers will fincl that in a short time the demand for wine will so increase that the profits will be mnch greater than when only a small quantity of wine was sold at higher priées. If some of the restaurant and hôtel keepers object to placing wine on the table before each plate, they shonld at least instrnct their waiters, both maie and female, to présent the wine list to every gnest and politely ask, "Which wine will y on hâve?" This is the way that the caterers use their patrons in Europe, and it is a well-known fact that the selling of wine by hôtels and restaurants in Europe, although at a small profit, is their principal source of revenue.
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