1911 Beverages de luxe








Baird-Daniels Co. New York

In tlie last ten years the distillation of Domestic Gins has taken very rapid strides in the United States, and the gin industry has done much to con- vince the American consumer of the fact that a good honest prodnct can be manufacturée! here as well as in Europe.

It is not many years ago that it was the average Américains opinion that everything imported was good, and that everything domestic was inferior, but, thanks to the progressive spirit of the Ainerican manufacturer, this erroneous conception is grad- uai ly disappearing. A multitude of sins were frequently cov- ered under an imported label, and on this account the firm with which the writer is associated adoj>ted several years ago the motto, "It can be only préjudice that prefers foreign inferiority to domestic superiority. ,, A campaign of éducation, with the object in view^ of over- coming préjudice, is of necessity a hard one. This préjudice has ofteu been warranted, for the old-fashioned American désire for making money quickly accounts for domestic products of in- ferior quality ; however, thèse exceptions merely make the rule. The rule is that the American manufacturer^ honesty is second to none. This, coupled with unexcelled ingenuity, lib- éral business ideas and great progressiveness, créâtes conditions for the domestic products of which any American can justly be proud. The protective tariff lias benefited domestic industries, and at the présent time European manufacturers are coming to this country, building here their plants, employing American labor, benefiting their locality, enriching this country at large, and confirming the formerly dîsputed theory that meritorious prod- ucts could be produced in the new world as well as in the old. It is strange, but true, that very few people know anything about Gin. "Gin is made from Juniper berries," is the gênerai answer one receives to the question what Gin really is, and when given the information that Gin is distilled from grain, and that Juniper berries are only used for flavoring purposes, he is greatly surprised. "Gin" is a dérivation from the word "Gene- va," and that is the proper English Avord. "Geneva" is derived

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