1911 Beverages de luxe


F amous New

of New Orléans Louisiana

Orléans Drinks

£ Speaking of beverages remincls us of those de- ^| licious décoctions for which tlie Metropolis of the * South (New Orléans) is f amous. Tliere are five of theni, Avhicli for iiavor and taste equal the nectar of § the gods. They are "The Sazerac Cocktail," "Gin Fizz a la Ramos," "High Bail Rofignac," "Absinth If so, y ou must on many occasions found yourself following the crowd which, as it reaches Royal and Canal, turns off into French town and, hav- ing made scarcely seventy-iive feet, enters a long, narrow corri- dor at the end of which is a large room with sand on the floor, and a long and handsome bar fully seventy-five feet long, before which stands most of the tiine a line of men, sonietimes two deep. This is the f amous Sazerac Saloon, known the world over for the art it possesses in the fabrication of the Sazerac Cock- tail. No beverage of récent years lias drawn to itself more praise and attention than the "Ramos Gin Fizz" which is sup- plied to thousands upon thousands every year by the génial and courtly proprietor of the "Stag," Col. H. C. Ramos. The estab- lishment is one of the finest of its kind in America and is located on Gravier Street, opposite the new St. Charles Hôtel. The glories and réputation of this Ambrosial drink have been sung the world over. It's the invention of the "Chesterfieldian" Ra- mos, and men or women who have once pressed the white foam- ing "Ramos Gin Fizz" to their lips, can never forget it. It is not an unusual sight in the winter months, and when the Carnival is on in New Orléans, to iind this palatial resort of Col. Ramos packed not only with men but ladies who have just left the fash- ionable ball-rooms or the French Opéra, and are enjoying, be- fore returning home, a a Ramos Gin Fizz" that will take them, after lapsing into the arms of morpheus, into the delightful fan- tasies of dreamland. The afternoon is the fashionable time for the ladies to do their shopping on Canal Street in New Orléans, and wherever you find the ladies here you are sure to find the maie gender. In the most fashionable block of this shopping boulevard is located a la Suissesse," "Peychaud Cocktail." Were you ever in New Orléans?

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