1911 Beverages de luxe


J. STRAUB Wine Steward "The Blackstone Chicago, 111. Formerly Steward Pendennis Club, Louisville, Ky.

The first and most important thing to be con- sidered in the proper handling and serving of wines, etc., is the building and construction of the wine cellar, and as the température plays a big rôle in the conditioning of wines, the same should be built un- der ground, where an even température of from 56 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit may be maintained.

Stone and cernent Aval] s are préférable, as brick walls have a tendencv to be damp and develop mildew. It is essential to have your cellar dry and well ventilât ed. ïhe whitewashing or painting of the walls will pnrify the atmosphère and keep bugs and other insects from accumulating. Electric lights should be used, as gaslight quickly changes température. Concrète floors, slightly slanting from the four walls towards a drain in the center are best for keeping your cellar in a clean and sanitary condition. The floor should be tlushed and scrubbed at least once a week and every time after bottling wine. In building jour bins, one-inch strips of wood, extending from floor to ceiling, should be fastened against the walls about three feet apart. Wire netting (one-half inch mesh) should be stretched tight over thèse strips, extending the length of the wall, thus forniiug the back of the bin and giving free circula- tion of air. Kacks for barrels should be built sufaciently high to make cleaning under same easy. Bottle washing tank (made of cypress wood) with two com- partments, equipped with overflow waste, hot and cold water faucets, should be installed. Also electric bottle washer and automatic rinser. Bottles should be extremely clean and thor- oughly dry before being used. Binning — Sparkling wines, Ehine, Moselle and Sauternes, should be stored in the lowest bins, with Burgundy and Clarets next. Above thèse should be the Ports, Sherrys and Madeiras, while the top bins can be used for Liquers, Gins, Whiskies and Cognacs. Serving of Wines — Champagnes should be chilled before serving ; this, however, should be doue slowly, as a great many wines are robbed of their life and vinosity by being chilled too

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