1911 Beverages de luxe


Some JFamous .Ancestral






lated sugar. Six





whisky. Five cocktail glassfuls of rum. Three cocktail glassfuls of

KENTUCKY MINT JULEP Select twelve full sprigs of mint with long stems, twist the bunch twice, and stand them in a julep glass. Fill with fînely crushed ice and pour over this one heaping teaspoonful of granulated sugar that has been thor- oughly dissolved in two tablespoonfuls of hot water. Stir slightly to chill. Fill glass with old Bourbon whisky, pour carefully that ail the whisky may stand on top of the water. Let set for about one minute, and stir before drinking. Place sprigs of mint on one side of the cup and drink from the other.


brandy. Three





brandy. One whole nutmeg, grated. Beat the yolks of fourteen eggs until very light. Add sugar, and beat again until thor- oughly dissolved. Then add half of the whites that have been beaten separately until very stiff. Beat mixture again, and add, whisky, then rum, then brandy, a at a time, stirring ail the while. Now stir in nutmeg. Add three pints of fresh cream, let first

De Cuxe 3\ectpes for

OLD FASHIOX KENTUCKY APPLE TODDY or APPLE JACK Select one dozen apples and core, but do not peel. Bake dry until nearly done, when pour on them one pint of scalding water and one heaping pint of granulated sugar. Let cook doue, scorching a little brown on bottom. Poiir ail in a bowl and add one quart of Bourbon whisky and one quart of apple brandy. One-half nutmeg grated. A small pinch of brown cloves. The grated peel of one orange (using only the very yellow part, noue of the white). Add water to suit taste of the drinker. Serve hot in small sherbet glasses.

stand a while (if possible over night), and then beat in three pints of whipped cream that has stood in freezer until thoroughly chilled. Serve in old-fashion eggnog cups.

OLI) KENTUCKY TODDY Take a large silver goblet or a large toddy glass. Fill two-thirds full with small lumps of ice (not too small, however). Add one dessert spoonful of granu- lated sugar that has been previously dissolved in eue teaspoonful of water. Stir until there is a cold frost on cup. Then iill with old Bourbon whisky, saving room for one dessert spoonful of fine peach brandy. Top off with a long, very thin pièce of orange peel.

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