1911 Beverages de luxe
ories flow from the festive pergolas and harbors laden with the golden bunches of the Capri, or with the pnrple frnit that yields the Falernian, or with the aromatic grapes, from which Lach- ryma Christi is obtained. Of Lachryma Christi, which is an amber-colored wine, pos- sessing a prononnced and agreeable bouquet, and a delicions, frnity flavor of its own, Henry Yizetelly, a compétent English authority, in his well-known book, "The Wines of the World," states : "At the head of South Italian wines, one unquestion- ably has to place the far-famed Lachryma Christi, the product of the loose volcanic soil of Mount Vesnyius, and an exceedingly lnscions wine, of refreshing flavor." A snperior semi-dry, or dry, sparkling variety of Lachryma Christi, has lately been prodnced, which combines the intrinsic merits of this wine with the exhilarating qualities of a spark- ling wine, and also a red variety is known, obtained from the Lachryma grape. No brand, ancient or modem, has enjoyed snch endnring or extensive celebrity as Falernian. The Falernian of antiquity came from Monnt Massico, and its modem namesake is pro- dnced in the hilly volcanic district extending from Pozzuoli to Cnma. It is prepared from grapes that are allowed to remain on the vines nntil late in the fall and gathered when overripe, the jnice being conseqnently very rich. Of Falernian, to-day, two varieties are prodnced: One red, endowed with great bouquet, gênerons strength, fnll body, délicate, velvety flavor; another, golden white, gênerons, richly flavored, with an aromatic bonqnet of its own. White Capri is a refreshing, délicate, fragrant, snb-acid- nlons wine, of a pale, primrose color, resembling in its charac- teristics the Chablis of Burgnndy. Ked Capri is a gênerons fragrant, rnby-colored wine, with greater body than the white, velvety to the taste, and to be taken with roast meat. The Sonth of Italy, with its gênerons vintages, supplies légion of well-known brands, snch as the sweet Muscat of Trani, the Malmsey of Lipari, the aromatic and strongly-scenteà dessert wines of Calabria (Zagarese and Gerace), and the robust, heavy-bodied, red wines of Bari, Barletta, Lecce and Gallipoli. Through the delicions perfume of orange blossoms cornes to us the famé of the celebrated wines of Sicily, where the feast of the son of Jupiter and Semele is a continuons one, finding its flow in the Muscat of Syracuse, suggestive of the honey of Mount Ibla, in its nectar eous confrère of Segesta, in the rather strong, but highly fragrant, Albanello and Naccarella, in the Nelsonian vintages of the Duchy of Bronte, supplied to the
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