1912 Dr Siegert's Angostura Bitters

FRUIT MOLDED IN ANQOSTURA JELLY Make an Angostura lemon, orange or wine jelly with Knox's Sparkling Gelatine accord: ing to previous directions. Set a plain mola in broken ice and water,and dip thin slices of fruit or almonds and pistachios in liquid jelly and arrange on the bottom and sides of the mold according to some design. Care fully add a spoonful or two of jelly to hold the nuts or fruit in place, then, alternately, fruit and jelly to fill the mold. Sliced bananas, white grapes alunned and seeded, candied cherries, figs cutin shreds,and orange sections from which the membrane has been removed, either singly or in combination, are good. Serve with whipped cream or thin custard. Make an Angostura lemon or wine jelly; dissolve and color such portion of a package of Knox's Sparkling Gelatine as is desired in a tablespoonful of water and add to it one-half the liquid jelly. Pour this into a mold, and when set pour in the untinted part or the jelly, or mold in separate molds and cut into cubes to use as garnish in carrying out a pink "color scheme." Use a large punch bowl. Take one or two bunches of fresh mint or Woodruff, and^ cut it up in two or three lengths, place it into a large bar glass, and fill up the balance with French brandy, cover it up and let it stand for two or three hours, until theessence of the Woodruffis thoroughly extracted; cover the bottom of the bowl with loaf sugar, and pour from 4 to 6 bottles of plain soda water over the sugar. Cut up 6 oranges in slices. H pineapple, and sufficient berries and grapes. 8 bottles of Phine or Moselle wine. 1 bottle of champagne- FANCY ANQOSTURA JELLY ANGOSTURA MAY WINE PUNCH


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