1912 Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charley Mahoney

Elk’s Fizz.

Use large size bar glass. [This recipe, by Peter F. Sindar, St. Paul, Minn., won the PolicE GAzETTE bartenders' medal for 190I.] One-half lemon. One dessert spoonful sugar. Shake well, strain in small fizz glass; fill with fizz same as Swiss Ess, and serve with sliced pine apple. Brandy Fizz. Use large bar glass. One-half tablespoonful fine sugar. Three dashes lemon juice. One wine-glass brandy. One or two dashes of white of egg. Three-quarters of glass fine ice. Mix with spoon and strain into a fizz glass; fill up with Seltzer or vichy. This must be drank imme diately. Gin Fizz. Use large bar glass. One-half tablespoonful sugar. Three or four dashes lemon juice. One-half glass shaved ice. One wine-glass Old Tom gin. Stir well with a spoon; strain into a fizz glass. Fill up with seltzer or vichy water and do not fail to drink quickly. 168 One jigger rye whiskey. One-half jigger port wine. White of one egg.

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