1912 Holtz &Freystedt

And beat the muses, at their game with ..vine leaves in hi1 hair,·· gold, And Thor be,ide the icy fjord drank thunder bolts of old; Since Omar in the Penian bowl forgot the fires of hell And wondered what the vintners buy 10 rare aa that th ey sell- What potion have the gods be1towed to lift the thoughll afar Like that aeduc::tive Cocktail they sell acrou the bad of gin; Perhap1 there·, orange bitters and a lemon peel within; Perhapa it'• ca lled Martini and perhaps it'• called, again, The name that sp read Manhattan·• fame among the 1on1 of men; Perhap s you like it garnished with what thinking men avoid- The little blushing cherry that ia made of cellulo id; But be these matteu aa thev may, a ..cher con frere" Since Wotan quaffed oblivion to Nieblungen Perhap s it'• made of whi1key and perhaps it'• made

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