1912 Holtz &Freystedt

WESTPHALIAN HAMS Very fineat quality ~;::: ; :~:t:t::hHaS~~inken f w !,:hham Ha~o,tii:;;~~ 01 by ~:ina8re ·:~~~i~~d ai~ ::·~:;;!!:: Government official, , 111 to the ab1enee of trichinae, and a certificate to that effect it attached to e.ch ham. HOW TO CUT A HAM The mo,t advantageou, way to cut a ham, "° a, to set the lara:eet number of hand,ome 11ice1, i, to cut it all throua:h cronwi,e, never lengthwi ,e. To do th.it properly, cut with a ,harp airving knife from all ,idea down to the bone, and with a meat NW cut he bone through. It will then be euy to ali<:e from both end, all aro und the bone. After awhi le the projectina bone may again be Mwed off, and later it may be taken 0\:11 entirely after runnini a narrow knife all around the bone and looaening it thu, from the meat.

CERVELAT SAUSAGES Verr 6nett quality

Ii to 3 lb •.

Ce rvelat Sau•age, weighing

i• •peda\ly

Notice .-Thi,


•elected for u,,

and i• the ,rery fine,t made, a label attached Thi• quality i1 not •hipped to any other hou•e in the Amer· ican market. to each n un•e, by the 1hippeu, ce rtifying to that fact.



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