1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul
63--Gl :-.O DAISY. S. D. Take h a lf-p int tumbler half full chipped ice, add three o r four dashes of orgeat or gum syrup, three d ashes of maraschino, juice of half lemon. a wine– glassful o f Hollands g in ; sha ke well ; strain into large cocktail g lass, a nd fi ll up with seltzer or apollinari~ wa ter. 6.+-Gl l\ FIZZ. L. D. I-ill ha lf-pint tumbler with chipped ice ; p ut in a teaspoonful o f powdered sugar; squeeze half a lemon in ; add ha lf a wine-glassful of Old T om gi n ; fill u p wit.h soda-water, and Rcrve with straws. 63-GIN J ULEP. L . D. The Gi n J ulep is made with the 66-Gl:'\ Sl 07.-Gl l\ SLlKG. L. D. This is a favourite drink. Fill half-pint tumbler with chipped ice; p u t in a liqueur-g lassful of pla in syrup; squeeze half a lemon in ; add hall glassful of Old Tom gin, a nd fill up with soda-water. Then. place slice of lemo n and orange on top, a nd serve with straw~. 68-GIN Sl\fASH. L. D. Same as No. :i6, su bstituting gin for brandy~
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