1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul
74-HOT BRANDY FLIP. S. D. Take a t umbler ; put in a teaspoonful of powdered sugar a nd three parts of a ";neglassful of brandy ; fill the tumbler one-third of boiling water; mix and place a toa sted biscuit on top, and grate a little nutmeg on it. 75-HOT EGG NOGG. L. D. Same as l\·o. 55, using boiling water in place of ice. 76--HOT i\fILK PUNCH. Take a p unch bowl ; add ha lf a pound of powdered sugar, two quart5 of boiling milk, one bottle of brandy, half of ·'Liquid Sunshine" rum ; mix well, and grate hali a nutmeg on top. 77- HOT PORT NEGUS. S. D. Take a t umbler; put in a teaspoonful of sugar a nd a glass of port wine; fi ll up wi th boiling water and grate a little nubneg on top. 78- HOT TO:\I AXD JERRY. Take a p unch bowl, into wliich put the yolk.~ of twelve eggs, and beat them up until as thin as water; then add one pound of powdered sugar, haH a teaspooniul of ground cinnamon, ditto of ground clove~. ditto of allspice ; next beal the whites of eggs into a stiff froth, pour into lhe first bowl, a nd mix well ; then add one boltle of brandy, one ditto of "!.iquid Sunshine" rum. This will be sufficient for a party of twenty. (THE W AY TO SERVE TO)! ANO JERRY.) Ta ke two shakers, heat them well ";th boiling water ; then p our in half of tl1e mixture a nd half of boiling water, and keep pouring iliem from one shaker to tl1e oilier, until you have attained a good froth; then heat a jug a nd pour the liquid in, which sprinkle with a littl.e .grated . nutmeg on top. . This will be found a clehc1ous clrmk for a cold wmter's night.
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