1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul

11 3-PLAIN LEMO::\.\ DE. L. D. Cse a large soda glass; take t he juice of half a. large lemon, a tablespoonful a nd half of powdered sugar, two or three pieces of orange, ha lf fill up with chipped ice a nd the rest with water ; d ash a little raspberry syrup ; ornamen t with fruits in sea.

1 q - PORT WI:\ E S.\ NGAH. EE. L. D. Same as :-lo. .14, substi tuting port for cla ret.

115- POUSSE L' .\:.\LOU R. S. D. Take a wine glass ; pour in half a liqueur-glassfu l of reel noycau, ditto of maraschino, d itto of brnndy; then put in gently the yolk of a new la id egg. 116- PRAIRIE OYSTEH. S. IJ. Take a wine glass ; put in half a teaspoonful of \'i negar , a new laid egg. a little salt a nd pep per. .\ drop of \Vorcestershire sauce added giYcs it a tine relish. 117-THE PRI KCE OF WALES' l'U:\'CL-1 . Take a large bowl; put in l wo bottles of Bertram Frfres' champagne, and dilto of hock, half a bottle of orange cura~oa, ha lf ditto of cognac, ha 1£ pint of "Liquid Sunshine" rum, one bottle of :.\Iadeira, three bottles of seltzer water, three ditto of socla– water, a nd a wine-glassfu l of s trawberry syrup ; squeeze two oranges a nd lwo lemo ns in. Fina lly put the bowl iuto a refrigerator u ntil the compound is thoroughly cool. This will be sufficien t for a. party of twenty. 118-PUNCH A LA RO:.\IAl~E. Take a medium-size punch bowl ; "empty into it a bottle of rum, a bottle of c:ha mpague ; dissolve

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