1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul

For use, half ti ll the sha ker with cracked or shaved ice, add 1 ~ ounces of Columbia Fizz Syrup put·on cover and mix well, t hen remove cover a nd draw iced soda water into shaker, using first the fine stream then the coarse until it is nearly full , put on stra iner and pour into a 2-011ncc glass with a good foaming head. Serve q uickly .


Strawberry a nd cream. Raspberry P ineapple Vanilla Chen y Chocolate Coffee

Draw 2 o unces of the desired syrup into a 12 - ounce glass ; add 2 ounces of fresh cream, fi ll glass about three-quarters full with soda water, stir well with long spoon , put in a la dle full of whipped cream, serve with straws. Lemon or ora nge s)•ru p should no t be used wi th cream. as it will curd le (unless specially asked for · s:ime) . EGG l\lILK SHAE E. Break a new laid egg into a 12-011nce glass in fron t of customer, add 4 o unces of fresh milk a nd 2 ounces of plain syrup ; transfer to sha ker, mix weU, and fill up with iced soda water until nearly full ; pour from shaker to gla ss several times t o thoroughly mix a nd serve with a good head. Grate a little nutmeg on top of frot h. EGG ICE CREAi\I FLIP. (With Strawberry, Pine-apple, Vanilla, or Chocolate F lavouring.) Break a new la id egg into a 14-ounce glass iu presence of customer , add a 2-ounce measure of ice cream , a nd draw 2 o unces o f the d esired syrup, transfer to shaker a nd mix well , unti l all is broken up. then a dd about S ounces of soda water, a n d pour from shaker into gla ss; serve wit h good fo3.ming bead with or witho11 t straws.

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