1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul



T ake oI plain syru p ·water

7 pin ts I pint 2 ozs.

Tartaric acid or citric acid Sarsaparilla colouring (specially prepared) . .. ... E ssence of Belfast ginger a le to 2 ozs. The Sarsapa rilla colouriq; is used to give the character ist ic flavour a nd colour of the well-known Belfast ginger ale. It can be omi t ted if d esired, and + ounce ginger a le or Belfast colou ring s ubstituted. 1! ozs. 1:t

GI NGER BEER (AERATED). (In glass bottles.)

Take of plain -syru p

I ga l. 2 ozs. t to ?,- oz.

Tartaric acid or citric acid Soluble essence of J amaica ginger French cream 3 ozs. to every 2 5 gallons.

lf the ginger beer made th us be not hot enough add 1 drachm (equa ls 1:} ounces to JO gallons of syrup) of sol. ess. capsicine. Both these forms make splendid aerated ginger beers. If a cloudy ginger beer be rcq uii:-ed, in imitation .0 f the brewed beer , use 2 ounces of msoluble essence of J amaica ginger (omitting the solu ble essence ·of capsicine entirely), or t he same form as above but use a n unfi ltered essence, which W. J. B us l; -& Co. sometimes supply for th is purpose.


Tak e 2 ounces of a ny desired flavouring, 1-2 ounce m easure of ice cream, pu t into shaker , mix well, d raw into sha ker a bou t 8 ounces of scda water, mix a nd stir wit h long sp con , and !'crve in to glass.

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