1912 The Buffet Blue Book bu John H Considine


A very popular drink in Frisco. Place in a small glass a piece of Ice, 4 dashes Ab· bott's Bitters, 2h a jigger of ·Plymouth gin, 1h. a jigger of Italian vermouth, 1 piece of t\\'isted lemon peel, 5 drops of creme de menthe. Stir it well, strain it Into a small bar glass, and serve with ice water.


Place a whiskey glass on bar, bottom side up, then put a pony glass on top and fill It with benedlctlne and serve. All liquors served in same style except pousse cafe. 17. BICARBONATE OF SODA. Put into a small glass of carbonated wa· ter, 1h teaspoonful bicarbonate of soda, stir well and serve. Very good for sour stomach. 18. Bl LZ'S ROYAL RICKEY. Use a rickey glass, 2 or 3 pieces of ice, 1h lime or % lemon, 4 or 5 dashes raspberry syrup, 1h drink of plain gin, 1h drink Im– ported vermouth; fill up with ginger ale, stir and serve. Add pineapple or other fruit to taste. 19. BISHOP. Use large bar glass; 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 dashes lemon juice, ¥.a the juice of an orange, 1 squirt of seltzer water, %, glass of fine Ice. Fill up with Burgundy, dash with Jamaica rum. Stir well, dress with fruit and serve with straw.



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