1912 The Buffet Blue Book bu John H Considine


Use a hot water glass; ¥.a teaspoonful of good beef extract; fill glass with hot water. Stir well, season with pepper and salt; also celery salt, and serve with spoon and small glass of ice on side. 43. BLACK STRIPE. Use a whisky glass, with enough Jaw~4"a rum to cover bottom of glass; 1 tableqooo11 of New Orleans molasses. Place sooon in glass, hand bottle to .customer and allow him to stir and help hin1self. 44. CARAMEL COLORING. Take 10 pounds of loaf sugar, 2 pints fll· tered · water. Crush and dissolve the sugar · in the water; boil it in a 6-gallon copper ket– tle, stirring occasionally until it gets brown; when it begins to burn reduce the fire; Jet it burn until the smoke hurts the eyes; then try it out by dipping a rod in it and letting a few drops fall into a glass of cool water; if it cryst .allizes it is done; then pour in by degrees, about a gallon of luke-warm water, stirring all the while; let lt cool and put in a jug. 45. CATAWBA COBBLER. Large bar glass half full of ice; 1 tea– spoonful powdered sugar dissolved in water, 1 ~lice of orange, quartered; 1 wine glass Catawba wine. Fill up with ice, ornament with berries, and serve with straw. 46. CALIFORNIA SHERRY COBBLER. Large bar glass half full of lee; ~ table· spoonful of sugar, 1 pony pineapple syrup, 1 wine glass California ~berry. Stir well, fill up with ice, dress with fruit; dash port wine on top; serve with a straw.



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