1912 The Buffet Blue Book bu John H Considine
Use large bar glass 2-3 full of lee; 1 table– spoon of powdered sugar, 1 whole egg, 1h pony brandy, 1h pony J amalca rum, 1h pony Madeira wine. - Fill glass with milk; shake thoroughly, strain in thin glass, grate nut– meg on top, and serve. 57. CIDER NECTAR. Use large bar glass, with 3 small pieces vf ice; 2 wine glasses of cider, 1 wine glass mineral water % wine glass sherry, 1 dash of brandy, 1 dash lemon juice, 1 twist lemon peel, 1 tablespoon sugar. Stir well; trim with fruit, grate nutmeg on top; serve. 58. CINCINNATI COCKTAIL. Half a glass of beer; fill up with soda. This is a palatable drink for warm weather. 59. CLARET COBBLER. Use mixing glass half full of ice; 1 tea– s}Joon sugar, 3 pieces lemon peel, 2 wine ~!asses claret. Stir gently, fill up with ice, d1·ess with fruits, and serve with straws. Put in punch bowl for 2-gallon mixture, 1 can pineapple, 4 oranges, sliced; 3 lemons, sliced; 3 wine glasses abricotine, 2 wine glasses curacoa, 2 quart bottles mineral water, 4 quart bottles of claret. Let this mixture stand about 4 hours, then put a large piece of lee In bowl, add 2 quarts champagne, or other sparkling wine; deco– rate the lee with fruits, and serve in cham– Ilagne glasses. 60. CLARET CUP.
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