1912 The Buffet Blue Book bu John H Considine



One-third pint lemon juice, %, pound white sugar, dissolved in sufficient water, 1h pint Cognac brandy, % pint peach brandy, % pint Jamaica rum, 21h pints cold water.- Ice and serve. 78. FANCY WHISKEY SMASH. Use large bar glass half full of ice, 2 tea– spoons sugar, 1 wine glass carbonated wa– ter, 3 sprigs of mint, pressed, 1 wine glass whiskey. Stir well; fill up with lee, trim with fruit, and serve. 79. GIN AND CALAMUS. Use whiskey glass. Two or three pieces of calamus root should be placed in a bottle of gin until the essence has been extracted. To serve, hand out glass with the bottle; allow customer to help himself. 80. GIN AND MILK. Use whiskey glass. Hand out glass with spoon in and the bottle of gin; · allow cus· tomer to help himself, then fill up glass with cold milk. 81. GIN AND MOLASSES. Use whisky glass. Put enough gin in glass to cover bottom; drop in one table– spoon of New Orleans molasses; place spoon in glass and allow customer to help himself. Use hot water to cleanse glass. 82. GIN AND TANSY. Use whiskey glass. This is an old-fash– ioned and excellent tonic. It ls prepared by steeping a bunch of tansy in a bottle of Holland gin, which will ex.tract the essense. When serving, set the glass, with the lump of lee, before the customer, allowing him to help himself.



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