1912 The Buffet Blue Book bu John H Considine
Pour fn a pousse caf e glass as follows: 1-6 glass raspberry syrup, 1-6 glass Mara~- 1 chino, 1-6 glass green vanilla, 1-6 glass cu– racoa, 1-6 glass yellow chartreuse, 1-6 glass brandy. In preparing the above use a small wine glass·wtth spoon, for pouring in each 1 cordial separately. Be careful they do not mix together.
Half glass Maraschino, 1-6 glass vanilla, 1-6 glass curacoa, 1-6 glass chartreuse, 1-6 glass brandy. This is the Parisian Cafe recipe. Serve without letting colors mix.
154. POUSSE CAFE (Manhattan).
% curacoa, %.
One-quarter Maraschino,
.. green chartreuse, % brandy. This is the New York Cafe style of serving. Don't al· low colors to mix. 155. POUSSE L'AMOUR. Use sherry glass; %. glass Maraschino, yelk of 1 egg, %. glass vanilla cordial, % glass brandy. Keep this drink In separate layers, and serve. 156. PORT WINE FLIP. Use large bar glass, haif full of Ice; half tablespoon sugar, 1 jigger of port wine, 1 fresh egg. Shake well, ~train in flip glass. grate nutmeg on top and .·serve. 157. PORT WINE COBBLER. Use large bar glass, half full of ice, half jigger Orchard syrup, half tablespoonful su– gar, 1 jigger port wine. Stir well, fill u~ with lee, dress with fruit, serve with straw
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