1912 The Buffet Blue Book bu John H Considine


Fill a star champagne glass half full o, 11fne, balance with seltzer or any other carbonated water. 169. ROYAL COCKTAIL. Use large bar glass half full of fee; 2 dashes Maraschino, 2 dashes orange bitters, 2 dashes absinthe, 1 jigger Stomach Bit– ters. Stir well, strain into cocktail glass, add sherry and serve. 170. ROYAL FIZZ. Use large glass, half full of ice; 1 table– spoon sugar, 5 or 6 dashes lemon juice, 1 fresh egg, 1 jigger of gin or whiskey (which– ever customer desires). Shake well, and strain into fizz glass. Fill up with seltzer, and drink while effervescent. 171. ROYAL PUNCH. 1 pint hot green tea, . lh pint brandy, ~ pint Jamaica rum, 1 jigger arrack, 1 jigger curacoa, juice of 3 limes, 1 lemon, sliced; 1 cup warm calf's foot jelly, 1 cup sugar. Mix well, while heating, and drink as hot as possible. For party of six. 172. RUM FLIP. Prepare this drink same as gin flfp, using Jamaica rum Jnstead of gin. 173. RUM FLIP (Western Style). Half pint of ale, heated on fire, 1 egg beaten up with powdered sugar. Put the ale in one cup, the egg in another with a small jigger of rum or brandy, pour from one cup into another se, 1 eral times until thoroughly mixed, dash nutmeg on top anr" Jerve.



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