1912 The Buffet Blue Book bu John H Considine


WHISKEY JULEP. Use large bar glass half full of ice; 1 tablespoon sugar dissolved in water, 3 or 4 sprigs of mint, a jigger of whiskey. Stir well; fl.II up with ice; dress with pineapple and orange; serve wl th straws. 231. WHISKEY LEMONADE. Prepare an ordinary lemonade and float whiskey on top; serve with straw. 232 . . WHISKEY CRUSTA. Prepare this drink same as Brandy Crusta, using whiskey instead of brandy. 233. WHISKEY SOUR. Use large bar glass half full of ice; 1 teaspoon of sugar, 4 or 5 dashes of lemon juice, 1 jigger of whiskey. Shake well; strain into sour glass; add pineapple and dash with seltzer, and serve. 234. WHISKEY RICKEY. Prepare this drink as Gin Rickey; using whiskey instead of gin. 235. WHISKEY SKIN (Scotch). Use hot water glass; 1 lump of loaf sugar dissolved in hot water, 1 jigger of Scotch whiskey. Fill up with h-~t water; stir with spoon; add lemon rind; grate nutmeg on top, and serve. 236. WHISKEY SKIN (Irish). Prepare ยท this drink same as above, using Irish whiskey instead.



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