1912 The Squire's Recipe
THE CHERRY .BOUNCE T o one quart . of wild black cherries, add one gallon of good whifkey, firft broiling the cherries, lo as to break the ftones. Then·!hell a handfull of .almonds and add to them a half tumbler of white {ugar, a quarter of a {poonfull of nutmeg, a quarter of a {poonfull of cloves aµd a half· {poonfull of cinnar:non, all of which lhould be bruifed together in an earthen or metal pot. Let the compound ftand a fortnight, and then draw off the liquid. Finally, add a half gallon of bcft brandy to it and prelerve it in air-tight bottles, from which it lbould be ferved in nip glatres.
( - A FllllSIDE'
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