1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



I CRUSTA-Brandy. (Use a small bar glass.) Two or three dashes of gum syrup, One d ash of bitter s, '

One wine-glass of brand y, T·wo dashes of curacoa, 1 One dash of lemon.juice.

Before mixing the above ingreclien ts, prepare ~ cocktail glass as follows: Rub a sliced lemon a round the rim of t he glass, a ncl dip it. in pulve rized white~ugar, •o that the sugar will adhere to t he edp:e of the g in$•. !"'are h>1lf a lemon the same as you "'ouid an apple (all in one piece), so t na r1 the pariug will fit in the win" g lass. Put the above inero•dients rnto a sm all whiskey glass tllIP

CRUSTA-Giri. Same as br, ndy crusts, substituting gin for brandy.

CRUSTA-8t. Croix. (Use a large bar glass.)

Prepare rincl of a h:mon as in a. brandy crnsta. Thr"e or four clashes of orchard syrup, One d ash of bitterR, One-half /:>:lass of nne ice, 011e sma ll clash of lem on juice, Two clasheR of maraschino, I One wine-glass of St. Croix rum.

Mix well "'.1th a·spo'.'n, an d strain into a wine-glass; dress Wllh small pieces of prn~apple and strawberri

CRUSTA-Whiskey. · Same as brandy c rnsta, snbs1ituting whiskey foz· brandy.

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