1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
CUP- Claret ; for a party. (Use a bowrfor mixi~g.) T.;n to twelve pieces of lump sugar, One bot.tie of apollina ris,
Two l.emo.ns, two ora nges and one-lVllf of a pineapple, cut m slices, . T wo 'Yine-gl11sses of maraschino, :\hx well with a ladle, place this into your vessel or tin dish lill"d wi~h ice. When the party is ready tu call fe>r it, add : Four bottles of fine claret, One bot,tle champagne. or any other sparkling wine. ;\1ix thoroughly, aml pl11c" sufficient berries on top tiud serve.
CUP- 1
b aret. For a party of twenty. Three bottles of claret, 'l'hree-quartcr piut of curacoa, Uue pint, of sherry, One-half pint of bra ndy,
Two wine-glasses of ratafia of ruspberries, Three oranges and one len1on, cut in slices, 1.'wo bottles of seltzt-r water, Three bottles of sodu water.
Stir all these together ,\•ith Isome sprigs of green balm a nd bora.ge, and a. small piece of cucumb~r-rind; s weeten witb c:apilla ire or po w CUP- Claret, a la Lord Saltoun. P eet one lemon fine, cover with pounded sugar, J?OUr over t a glass of sherry; add on" bottle of claret, a sprig of ver– bena, and a b'ottle of soda- wuter. J , CUP- Claret, a la Wilberforce. ·Two bottles of cl,.ret, One bottle of sparkling cb~mpagne, One wine-glass of ma.rasch1no, Borage, bulrn a nd sugar to the flavor required. I Ice.well, and b t>fore serving add two bottlAs of 0 "1tzer water.
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