1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks




DAISY- Brandy, No . 2. (Use a la rge bar glass.) On.,-h>Llf tablespoonful of sugar,

'l' wu ur ~Lll'cc d tL:::;ht:S uf lt1mon juice, Uue sq uir t or ""'~rs water, dissolve well with a spoon, Uu~-hall glass of c ha rtreuse (yellow) 1"ill' up t h" g lass with fine ice, ' . Uue glass of b rand y. Stir u p well wiDh a sp0on, place the fruit into a fancy bar ' gla.s:;, strain Mie ingredien ts into it, and serve.

DAISY- Gin. I Same as Brandy Da isy, No. 1, suootitu tln g gln for bra ndy.

DAISY-Ginger. Same as Bra nd r Daisy, N o. 1, substituting J amaica ginger.

DAISY- Rum. S1>me as Brandy Daisy, No. 1, substitu ting rum for brand r .

DAISY-Santa Cru~ Rum. (Use a small bar glass.) Three or four dashes of gum syrup, 'l',\·o dusbes of c ura.cua, J uice of one-h alf sma ll lemon,

One wine-glass of Sa nta Cruz rum, F ill glass one-third f ull of sha"ecl ice. ::>tir·th orough ly, su·aid in cocktail glass and ser ve. . ' DAISY- Whiskey, No. 1. 1 Same as Brand y,:paisy No.l,substitutlng whiskey for bra ndy.

DAISY-Wh iskey, No. 2. Sam., as Bru.n d y Da isy,No.2,substituting whiskey for brand y.

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