1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



EGG NOGG. (Use a large, bar glass.) One egg,

One tablespoonful of white sugar, One wine-glass of bra nd y, · . One-ha lf wine-glass of l'Um (St. Cl'oix or Santa Cru2.). Fill t he t umbler one-half f ull of cracked ice a nd the bal– ance with milk, shake well together, gra te µ utmeg on top, and serve.

EGG NOGG ; for a party. 3~ gallons. T wenty fresh eggs,

T wo and one-ha ir t,.uarts of fine old brandy, One pint of Santa Cl'uz rum, Two and one-lrnlf gallons of rich milk, Two pounds of white sugar.

Separate t h e whites of th e eggs from t he yolks, b eat each sepa l'ateli• with an egg-be..ter until th e yolks a re Wbll c u t u p, . and the whites assume a ligh t, fleecy ap'(leal'a uce. Mix a ll the ingredients (except the milk and the whir1>8 of the egg•) in a large punch bowl. The n POUi' iu t.h., milk graduall y, continua ll y stirring, in order to p re ve nt. the milk from c u 1·d- ling with the eggs. G1·ate sufllcient nutmeg on t h e m ix 1ure. and last ly, let the whites float on top, a n d orna meut with colored suga rs. Cool in a tub of ice, and serve. EGG NOGG-.Saltimore. (Use a large bar glass.) Take tbe yellow of one ~gg, on~ tabletipoonfnl of • ugar, beat to a c ream; then add some g1·at.ed n n tmPg, an(! beat A.ll to– iz.ethe r; pour in one-half wine-glass of bra ndy, one-ha lf p•my g lass of 8t. Croix r um, one wine-glass of madeira wine, put two 01· t hree lnmps of ice into the _glass and fill wiLh milk, shake well and gr"'te nutmeg on top.

EGG NOGG- Cider. (Use a large bar glass.) One egg,

One ta blespoonful of su gar, S m>ill qua ntity of cracked ice, One pon y gla•s of branrly. Fill the tumb~er with cide r. shake well, a nd serve.

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