1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



GIN AND WORMWOOD. (Use a small bar glass.) Ta k e six to eight sprigs of wormwood, pu t. these in a qua rt bottle a nd fill up with Holla nd gin, leave t his st.and tur a fe w days, until the essence of t he wormwood is extracLt:cl into the gin. In h a ndirig ou t this pour a little of t he a bove in to a small \Vhiskey g lass a nd h a nd it with the bo t1 le of gi n to the customer to h elp himself . This ili•iuk is popula r in t he east. ern pa rt of the country, where the wormwood is used as a . substitute for bitters. One-half wine-gla ss of chartreuse (yellow), Yolk of one egg, . One-ha lf wine-glass da n ziger goldwasse1·. This is a favorite with Ame rican la dies, m nch r elished. In · preparipg, do not distur b the yolk of the e~~- HARi-KARi. Ma k e a whiskey-sour large enough to half. fi ll a bra ndy glass.or tumb le t· wh e n strained, a nd fill wit h seltzer or v ichy to smt the party. Dress with fruils in season. One wine-gla ss •Jf bourbon rye or Scotch whiskey, as . CU8t?mer may d esire. ' F ill glass with cold vichy or plain soda. - ·HORSE'S NECK. (Use a large glass.) Rind of on~ whole lemo.n in one long Atrhtg. Place in a gla8s w1th one e nd hanging over lh e r im T!:iree lumpRof ic~. ' • Fill the glass wirh ginger ale. HIGHBALi.. (Use a tall, thin glass.) One lump of ice, GOLDEN SLIPPER. (Use a wine-~lass.)


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