1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



LEMONADE- Seltzer. (Use a large bar glass.) One and one half tablespoonful of sugar Four to six dashes ot lemon juice, . Four or five sm!'ll lumps of broken ice. Fill up the glass with seltzer water, stir up well with a spoon, and serve. LEMONADE-Soda. (Use a large bar glass.) One tablespoonful of sugar, Six to eight d ash t0s of lemon juice, Three or four Jumps of broken ice, 1 One bottle of p la in soda water. Stir u p well with a spoou, rtlllUYtO tl.Je ice and serve.

LEMONADE- Wine. (Use a large bar glass.)

One tablespoon of su1

LOCOMOTIVE. (Use a large bar glass.) Yolk of one egg, '

One-half tablespoon of sugar, and one pony of honey, mb:ecl.w<'ll togt0ther. 8~:-~':; 1 ,~ ~':;~3.:h';.~~-1\~Y~fi-glass of burgun:!y or claret, boilerl. . 1- • 1 m non Mix all thoroughly together; place a thins ice o. e o top, with a spriukle of cinnamon, and serve.

MAMIE TAYLOR. (Use a large bar glass.) One pie<:e of ice. ~ One-half glass of Scotch whiskey, Juiee of one lime. . Fill glass with ginger ale, stir and serve.

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