1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



MILK AND SELTZER. (Use a medium-sized bar glass.) I One-half glass of milk. Fill balance with seltzer.

MULLED ALE. Immerse slowly, an iron which has been h'eated toa white beat. in a pewter mug of ale. Care s hould be ta ken not to allow the ale to run over the sid e of t h e m ug. Then serve.

MULLED CLARET. (Use a large bar glass or mug.) Three or four lumps of •11gar, Two das hes of lemon j11ice. Four or live whole allspico;, bruised, Two whole cloveA, br·uised, One-qua rr ..r teaspoon of ground ci nna mon, Two wi11e-glusses of claret .

Place 11.ll the above in a dish; let it come to a boil, and boil two minutes, stirring all the timt> ; Rt1'llin and pour into a large, hot glass; grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.

MULLED CLARET AND EGG. (Use a large bar gla, s.) One tablespoon of sugar, One clash of lemon juice, Ont--balt teas;ooon of mixeil spices, One and one-half wine-glasses of claret. Boil t.be a bove In gredients together; then beat to a batter th.e yolks of two eggs with 11.Jit.t.Je ~nl?a1· added; pour the hot wrne over t·h e eggs, srlrring contiuua ll y; grat.e a Httle nutmeg on top, and serve. You m\]st positlvelv pour the wine over the ~ggs, riot otherwise, as it would spoil.

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Same a s mulled ale, substituting Dublin stout for ale.

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