1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



MULLED WINE WITH EGGS, (Use a pun"ch bowl.) N ine fresh eggs, Four tab lespoonfu ls of powdered white suga r One qua1·t either ot port, cla re t or red burgundy wine Grated nutmeg to ta.ste, ' One pint of water. Beat up the whites a nd the yolks of tbe eggs sepn.1·n.tely th~ suga r wi ~h the yolk8. Pour into a DELICAT E LY CL EA 0 N sk.11.let the wm e and lrnlf a pin t of water, s" t t hi• on t.he tire. :ll1x t he wh ites a nd yolks or the eggs in n bowl with tb• b>tspoonfu l of car'!:Jonate of soda. . ~trni n the j uice of the lt>1non. a url add 1t to t he wiiter, wllh s ufficie nt w hite sugar to !=nveeten t~e wbol~ !licely, and st!r up well until con\. ~Then well m:Kecl, put 1n the ~oda, stir wdl, and drink while the mixtu re is in a n efi'er ,,escm g si;l\te, NEGUS- Soda. (Uae a small punch bowl; about one quart.) One pint of porl wine. 'l' ';;elve lumps of '¥bite loaf sugar, ~~~;~g1,~~::;;;eg sufficien t to fill a small teasp•ion. Put th e above ingred ients into a tboroughlf cl.ea n S"~c~ pan, w>Lr m 1Lnc1 sti r tlwm w ell, but do not. • nfi'er 1t t.o b 1\ upon the wa r m wine empty a bot;tle o\ pla.111 soda wat.,r. NECTAR-Soda, No 1. (Use a large bar glass.) Three or four dashes of lemon juice, Th re~-<, ua r ters glass of water,

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