1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



NEGUS- Po rt Wine. (Use a small bar glass.) One teRspoonfn l of sugAr, · 1 • One wi11 ~·glas~ of po1·t wine, ' F ill t.he i!lnss one-t.hi rr\ full of bot water. Grate a little n u t meg on top a nd ser ve.

ORANGEADE. Thi• Rg1·eeable b everage is m ad e th e sam e wdr as lemonad e. substit u tin g or a nges for lemons. ' PEACH AND HONE·V. (Use a •mall bar glasa.) One tablespoonfu l of h oney, One wi ne-g lass of peac h b ra ndy. S t ir well w ith a spoon,~nd ser ve. POUSSE CAFE. (Use a sh erry wine glass.) In m ixing tb is d rink gr ea t r a re must be take n. As t he re are s.,v.,ra l liquors req uire-cl, it should be mad e Jn suc h · n man ner t hat t.he por tions will be per fectly s~parated fro m each other. One-sixth glass of raspberry syrup, One-sixth v lass of marMchino,

On~-sixth glass of vanilla (green) , · One-Rix th glass of curacoa (red), < lne-sixth g la.qs of ch a r t reuse (yellow) , One-sixth g lass of bra nd y.

T he a bove ingredients will fi ll ~he glass.

POUSSE CAFE- American. (Use a small wine·glass.; On e-quarter J?lass of m1w nschino, One-quar ter glass of c n rncoa, One-J?uar t.P.1' J?lass of ch a r t reuse (gr eenJ. One-qunr t.,r glass of Brand y. Keep the colrs •epa rate.

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