1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks

. 53



Three-qua r ters pint of rum, 'l'. 1 1ree-qua rters pint of brand:,<, One-half pint of porter. Three and on&-half pints of boiling water, Three-quarters pound of loaf sugar, Four oranges.,

Infu~e the rinds or two and the juice of four oranges with the sugar in the water for half an hour; strain, and add the porter, rum and brandy. Sugar may be added, if it is dP– sireu sweeter. A 1iquor glass of curacoa or maraschino is considered an improvement. Instead of using both rum and brandy, one and one-half pints of either a lone will nnswer. This is a lso a u f'Xce llent recipe for L emon Punch b y sub– stituting lemons for oranges. '

PUNCH- Orchard. (Use a large bar glass.) Same as Orgent Punch, substit.nting orchard syrup fo1• 01·geat syrup.

PUNCH-Orgeat. (Use a large bar Qlass.)

One a1 d one-hnlf tnblespoon~ nf 01'.

PUNCH- Oxford.

One pint of Cognac brandy, One pin.t Qf old Jamaica rum, One quart! of orange shrub, One-half pint of sherry, One yottle of capillaire, ·

T wo quarts of boiling water, Six !?lasses of calf's-foot jelly, Six lemons, Four sweet o'°angeb. Sufficient loafsugar,dissolved in some of tho bot wa ter, Rnb the rinds of three lemons with sugar to extract t h., jl)•<>nti.al ,;L Cut thf' peel ver y fine oft' t wo more lemons-

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