1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



a nd two of the orange.•. PreRs out the juice o f al] the.or a nges and lemons. !:'lace the whnle. wit~ t he jPll~·. ~n ~ JUg a nd stit• well. Pour on the wate r, 1uHl l»t 1t sranrl fn1 t " e nty minutes. Strain t hrough a fine ~h·w1 in0 '!-la rge bowl ; add the capillaire, spihts, shrub and w1ue, s urrmg well.

PUNCH- Philadelphia Boating. (Use a large bar glau.) Fill the gla..•s with fine ice, One tables;oon of s ugar, One or two dashAS of lemon juice, One wine-glass of St. Croix•rum, One pony of old brandy. Stir well. Dress with fruits, and serve with a straw,

PUNCH- Pineapple. For a party of ten. Four bot tlPS of chnmp111rne, One piut +f .Jan1uica. rum:

One pint of brand y, One gill ot curacoa, Juice of fou r lemons, Two pineapples, slicE>d ; Sweeten to taste with pulverized white s\igar.

Put t he p ineapple with a quarter of a pound of sugar in a ~lnss bowl, and let them st11.11d until the sugar is well soaked 1n the pineapple, then 1«ld nll th e other ingredients, excep.t the champag ne. L et this mixture stand in ice for about nn h our, thPll'add the champngno•, a nrl ornam...nt with sliced rq·– ange, and other fru!ts in Benson. Serve in l'hampa.gne glassPR.

,PUNCH- Port Wine. (Use~ large bar glass.) OnE'-half tablespnnn of sugar, One-half t a blespoon of orcha.ril Hyrup, One or two dashes of 1e1non juice, One and one-half wine-

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