1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks

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SHAKE-Gin. (Use a small glass.) 'Same a;i Bra ndy Shake, substituting gin for brandy.

) SHAKE- Milk. (Use a large glass.) One Jump of ice, One tablespoonful of suga r,

Any kincl of SYl'Up t hat customer prefers, Fill the g las• \,·ith mi lk. . 1


SHAKE-Rum. (Use a omall glass.) 511me as Brandy Shake, subst>tuting rum for b ra ndy. I • SHAKE- Whiskey. (Use a small glass.) Same as Bran.dy Shake, substitu ting whiskey for brandy. SHANDY GAFF. (Use a large bar glass.) F ill t.h., gl

I ' SHERRY AND EGG. (Use a wine-glass.) • One egg, ite cold ; , One wine-glass of sherry wine.

~efore droppln~ in theegg,cov"r the bottom of the glass with a httle sherry, this will prevent the egg from a dhering to'the !?lass, or, aftel' prepa1·ing the egg as above, set the bottle of shel'l'Y 'bef0re the customer and a llow him to h elp himself.


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