1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



One nnd one-ha! f gallons of proof spirit Ten pounds of brown sugar, , Six pints of disLilled wate1·.


, Beat up the figs, dates, etc., with a part of the sugnr until thei; fol'm ""· paste; )/lace this in a wide-mouthed jar. a nd ha.ym g p1:ev!onsiy mixed tof'ether the liqnids, 11.dd a. quart a t a. t1m~. sr,J!TinL; well between el\ch a.d


Twenty ounces of lemon peel. Four ounces o'f cinnamon bnrk, bruised; Two ounet>S of bal m, the f""""h herb; 'fwo ounces of powdererl coriander seed, Two OU!lces of powdered anbeed,

One ounce of powcler~d mace, One ounce of powdered nutmeg, Two a nd one-half gallons of rectified spirit (60 O. P .), Two gallons of distilled water, \ One gallon of capiilait·e. Macemte the soli


Six ounces of very thin orange peel, One pin~ of whiskey, . One pi1lt of clarified syrup, One drach m of powdered alum, One drachm of carbonate of powh.

Place theorang11 peel in a bott.le, which will holclaqna r t with the '1lhiekey; corK ti~htl:r and let the .contents rema.111 for t•:n to twelve days, sbak 111g t.be b ottle freque1.t1y. Then sLrn111 out the peel, acid t he sq·up: sha ke weli, a nd let it stand fnr three clays. Take ont"a 1e1LCupful into a m.ortar. and _beat i ~ up with the alum and potash; when weli mixed, ~our 1t back into the bottle, a nd !et it remain for a. we~k. 'I he curacoa wiil t hen be ~~rfectly clear and equal In flavor t \) the best imported '.:.1°t1cle. ·

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