1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks




Eight gallons of elderbei·ries, Twelve gallons of water, Sixtv pounds of brown sugar .

Dissolve by boiling; add yeast a nd f('rment. pints of brandy, a nd b ung it up for three months.

Add .four


Three gallons of water, Three pounds of suga r,

Foui· ounces of J a maica ginger. Boil one hour. Strain. Acid three lemons, ·chopped fin e, and ha lf a pint of ye11st. Mix togethei: a n.cl pou1· into a k eg. After it has fer mented one wee1', draw 1t; 1t IS ready for use.


Seven pounds of brown sugar, Forty pounds of gooseberrie~. R ain wat.er to make ten gallons, One qua r t of brandy. Ferment.

GRAPE WINE. P ick over carefully, thorough ly ripe grapes, free from stem~ a nd blemisl;ies, press out the juice. 'l'o one qua rt of juice acid one qua r t of water, (soft, boiled water is best), acid one a nd one-qua r ter pounds of suga1~ Aft.er it is done fer– m enting. bung it up tight. It will be ready t o dra w off in three m onths or sooner, but will be a far bett.er wine in a year, if left unmolested until then. T,\•en ty-th r ee pounds of sugar . Ten gallons of wa te r. Boil. · Clar ify wit)l the white of six eggs. Pour the boiling liquid '!'~on the pa rmgs of one hundred 01·anges, a dd the stra ined Jmce of these •)ranges, and ye11st six ounces; let it work for threii or four da i's. then strain it into a b1L1°1·el ; bung it up loosely.. In !'- mon~h add follr pin ts of b ra nCly, and in three months it will be fit to d rink. , ORANGE WINE.

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