1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks




One p•rnnd of orange peel, . One.quarter ponnd of ground cmnamon. Sixteen oranges, Six gallons of white syrup, Boil five minutes. . . _ Add three gallons of pure sp1r:ts, 95 per cent. above; filter through Canton flannel and bottle. GINGER GORDIAL. Bruise half a pound of the best new .Jamaica ginger in an iron mortar, and put it into a bott!e contnining one pi'!t ol' spirit of wine (60 0. P.), and one pmt of .wa~r. allow 1t to macllrate for ten or t~velve clays, sha kmg it up well each morning. After the twelrth day trapsf~r it to a f unnel con– taining a paper filter; when 11:11 the liquid has ru~ t hrong!', pass two pints of sherry over it, &Rd lastly, one pmt of botl– m g water. This will· yield ra ther better than half a gallon of liquid. When all are mixed, dissolve in this one ounce of burned sugar, a nd having ad~ed twelve pints of syrup, shake the whole well up, and fine with alum, etc. GINGER BRANDY CORDIAL. This may be made by following the same directions as given for ginger gin, or the following will be found more economical, though taking a longer time to prepare. Steep half a pound of well-bruised .Jamaica g inger m one gallon of strong. brandy for fourteen days,_shaking it up repeatedly. Let this be stramed through m ushn. Throw the ginger from the muslin into a gallon of boiliu~ water and allow it. to sim– m er over a low fire for twenty mlllu tes and strain. To this add 1en pounds of refined sugar. · GINGER GIN CORDIAL. Take ~f the best.Jamaica ginger, bruised small half a pound . boil it in one gallon of water, and 8train t·hrough fine muslin' In this dissolve ten pound~ of re.fined sugar by means of 8. gent.le heat. Over the brutsecl gmger which remains in the m~slin strainer, pass ope gallon unmixed gin (0. P.); mix ~~:a:::g Ji~:~.yrup of gmger toge~h~r, add ftnings, and set

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