1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks


Whene'er with friends I drink Of one I always think; ::>11~·s pr~tty, she's witty, and so true ; So with joy and great delight I'll drink to her to-night, And when doing so think none the less of youl May we have the unspeakable good fortune to win a tru~ heart, and the merit to keep it. Drink ye to her that each loves best, And it you nurse a fiame, That's told but to her mutual breast, We will not ask her name. · -Thomas Campbell. The Red, White, and Blue-The emblems of love, purity , and fidellty<-May the symbol be as highly and as unan· lmously worshiped as the colors of our country's ftag. Here's to the girl that I love, .a:ddh!,~~=·stot 0 a1~h~hftr~o~.,11'j,~~v!'h~~· I love, Ahd all those that love her who loves me. I May we never speak to deceive, nor listen to betray. Here's to our wive and sweethearts– And may they never meet. THE MAINE.

A mighty nation mourns thee yet; . Thy gallant crew..Ltheir awful fat'!; And .Justice points her finger straight, Lest we forget-lest we forget! .

I To Woman : The fairest work of the great Author; the edition is large, and no man should be without a· copy. Here's to the girls of the American shore, I lo,ve but one, I love no more;

Since she's not here to drink her part, I drink her share with all m:v. heart.

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