1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



To the old, long life and treasur~: To the young, all health a nd pleasure. L et the world slide, let the w9rld go; A fig for care, and a fig for woe; If I can't pay, why I ca n owe, And death makes equal the high and lnw. -Hey\voud TO OUR 1BACHELOF, FRIENDS. Then h ere's to the jolly Bachelor's life, And may h e live till h e takes a wit... H er e's to the maiden of bashful fifteen ; H er e's to the widow of fifty; Hertj's to the flaunting, extr;nvagant queen, And here's to the h ousewife that's thnfty I L ,..t the toast pass; drink to the lass : I 'll warrant she'll prov" an ex cus" for thll glass May wine never prove the cause of strife. The ladies-Gort ble-. 'ef11, And may n othing µ! Stress 'em. H ere's a roast to a ll who are here, No matter wher~ you ·re front: Ma y the best day you have seen Be worse than your worst to come. 1 May we a lways mean w ell, and· act accordingly. The Fren.chman ' loves his native win e, 'l'htj Germun loves hiR beer; _ The Englishman loves his 'alf a nd 'a lf, Because 1t brmgs l?OOd ch ... n. The Irishman loves his 11 whis key straight ·· Becan~e it gives him diziness. 1


The Ameri~an bas no cboii!e at all, So h" drmks the whole -

!;m siness.

H er e's a turkey when you are hungry. Champal!nH wh en you 11r e drv A pre tt.y girl whfm ,y'ou n ...ed h~r. And heaven when yon ditj.

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