1913 The Up to Date Bartender's Guide by Harry Montague

was UP.To“DATE nnnreunsRs’ cums


1 tablespoonful sugar. Juice of 2 limes. I egg.

. Fill up with water; shake; strain into goblet; dress with fruit and serve with 2 straws. LEMONADE. HOT. Substitute hot for cold water and proceed as for Plain Lemonade. Serve with long spoon and ice on the side in another glass.




Pour into a tumbler: I jigger port wine.



1% teaspoonfuls bar sugar. Fill three.quarters full with hot water; grate nut meg on top and serve. ,i.___i PORTER. MULLED. Substitute porter for ale and proceed as for Mulled Ale. POUSSE CAFE. AMERICAN. In small wine glass pour: . % glass maraschino. . % glass curacoa. % glass chartreuse. Frank Goodman-

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