1913 The Up to Date Bartender's Guide by Harry Montague

as rm: UP“To.DATE BAR’1‘ENDERS’ cums PUNCH. HOT WHISKEY. Substitute Rye or Bourbon for Irish whiskey and proceed as for Hot Irish Punch. -_____i. PUNCH. MILK. Fill large bar glass 1/2 full shaved ice. 1 teaspoonful bar sugar. % jigger brandy. V; jigger Jamaica rum. M; jigger Santa Cruz rum. Fill up with milk; shake; strain into tall thin glass; sprinkle with nutmeg and serve. .i..___.. PUNCH. SAUTERNE. Substitute Sauterne for claret and proceed as for Claret Punch.


Fill large bar glass

full with shaved ice.

teaspoonfuls sugar. jiggers sherry.


2 2 3

dashes lemon juice. Stir; decorate; dash with claret and serve with straws.

Made with