1913 The Up to Date Bartender's Guide by Harry Montague



heated to a white heat in a pewter mug of ale. stir ring slowly and using care that the ale may not over¢ flow the mug. BENEDICTINE. Put a whiskey glass upside down on the bar and place a pony glass on top of it and fill with benedic tine. - Serve all liqueurs (straight) in the same manner. BLUE BLAZER. Use two silver.plated mugs: i teaspooniul sugar dissolved in little hot water. 1 jigger Scotch whiskey. Ignite the liquid and while blazing pour it from

one mug to the other several times. Twist lemon peel on top and serve.


__-i_,..._ BRACE UP.

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In a large bar glass put: I tablespoonful bar sugar. 3 dashes Angostura bitters. 3 dashes lemon juice.

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