1920 Drinks by Jacques Straub



Bronx Terrace

Juice of Y2 lime. % jigger dry gin. Y2 jigger French vermouth. 1 dash orange bitters. % jigger rye whiskey. % jigger dry gin. Shake.


Brown Cocktail

Brut Cocktail (French Style)

4 dashes Angostura bitters. Ys jigger Amer Picon. % jigger French vermouth. Stir well. Brut Cocktail V2 jigger French vermouth. Y2 jigger calisaya. 1 dash absinthe. Shake. Busch Cocktail V2 jigger Italian vermouth. V2 jigger dry gin. 1 barspoonful apple brandy. Shake. Byrrh Cocktail V± jigger vermouth.

^4 jigger rye whiskey. V2 jigger Byrrh wine.

Cabinet Cocktail

Y2 jigger French vermouth. Vi jigger dry gin. Orange peel. Shake.

Cafe de Paree Cocktail

1 jigger dry gin. 1 white of egg. 1 barspoon cream. 1 barspoon anisette. Frappe.

Serve in claret glass. Cafe Au Kirsch

1 pony kirsehwasser. 1 pony cognac. 1 white of egg. 1 pony cold black coffee. Frappe.

Serve in claret glass.

Calisaya Cocktail

1 jigger Calisaya. 1 dash Angostura bitters.

Stir. Calumet Club Cocktail

3 dashes of acid phosphate. 1 dash Angostura bitters. Y2 jigger bourbon. Yi jigger Italian vermouth.


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